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Wednesday, 7 December 2022

Adventure Game Update

Today I worked on my adventure game I am making with Raylib. I hard coded the skills so there is no longer any need to have a separate dll file to have skills in game. I updated herbs and added a mushroom, also changed the UI icons for the herbs. 

For more details check out the blog I made for the adventure game. 
There is a link on the right =>.

Monday, 5 December 2022

Text Adventure Game

 A text game I started creating at the start of last year when I started learning C#. A few months ago I decided to upgrade it to C++. This is version 0.04 of the C++ version of the game.

Starting of Text Adventure Game

Gameplay of the Field area in Text Adventure Game

This C++ version of the game only has a small part of the original C# version but it is more optimizer and has more character development. The C# version never had the start up part from the video up top. There is a bit more in the game than what the videos show and there is lot of code that still needs to be translated into C++.

Saturday, 3 December 2022

Maze Game Version 0.4 Info Video

Low Quality 1280x1080.

High Quality 1920x1080.


Adventure Game

The project I have been working on since Christmas 2021. Made with C++ in Raylib. There is a link to my blog about it on the right. Here is the trailer I made for version 0.125 of it.

Maze Game

A Unity3d project I made using assets form the asset store. The maze was made via a script I found and edited. I used Emerald Ai 3.0 for the ai systems, UFPS for the player controller, UIS for the inventory and also a few more I cant remember atm.

Explore Town

Find Portals

Find secrete areas


The game is coming along okay but still needs a lot of work. Screen shots are from version 0.4. 


Over the last year I have been working on a few games. Some by myself and some with other people. I really enjoy working with others but do like the freedom of working by myself.

The benefits I have noticed with working with a team is having someone there for each discipline needed to make a game.

Anyway, when I do any work on anything I guess I will post about it here. I have a few project I would like to post about but are not finished enough to upload for people to try.